How To Download Ps1 Games On Retropie On Mac

The Raspberry Pi is a tiny device, but it’s surprisingly powerful – especially when you compare it to the bulky computers of the past. Take video game systems, for instance: while modern ones far outstrip the Pi, older models like the Nintendo Entertainment System or Sega Genesis are weaklings in comparison. That makes the Raspberry Pi more than capable of playing retro games, and the folks behind the RetroPie project have developed a way to help you do exactly that. Installing RetroPie on your Raspberry Pi will give you the ability to emulate a ton of old video game systems, essentially turning your Raspberry Pi into the ultimate retro gaming machine. Here’s how to play retro games on the Raspberry Pi with RetroPie.

I was thinking on buying a pi 4, mainly to play multiplayer games with my older brother's friends for nostalgia, i have searched if Smash Remix runs in RetroPie but i have found nothing, so i was wondering if someone already has runned the game in the Pi 4 and if so tell me how to do it. The RetroBro 64GB Killer Retro Arcade Heavy Image. To Download Click here-CONSOLES AND GAMES LIST-OVER 12K GAMES ATARI 2600 2000 games Atari 7800 full library Atari 5200 full library Atari lynx full library Neo geo pocket full library Neo geo pocket color full library NES 946 games full library SUPER NES full.library SEGA GENESIS full library SEGA MASTER SYSTEM full library SEGA GAMEGEAR.

Retro games on the Raspberry Pi: What you can play

The full list of emulators included with RetroPie is absolutely massive. Here’s a link to the full list – we’ve included some of the highlights below, but there are far more than just these. Suffice it to say that if you want to play retro games on the Raspberry Pi, you’ve come to the right place.


  • Game Boy
  • Game Boy Advance
  • Game Boy Color
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo DS
  • Super Nintendo
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)


  • Dreamcast
  • Game Gear
  • Genesis/Mega Drive
  • Master System
  • Sega 32X
  • Sega CD
  • Sega Saturn
  • SG-1000


  • PlayStation (PS1)
  • PlayStation 2
  • PSP

You’ll also get direct ports of popular games like Cave Story and Doom.

How to play retro games on the Raspberry Pi with RetroPie

In order to show you how to play retro games on the Raspberry Pi with RetroPie, we have to cover a few different steps. First, you’ll have to install RetroPie, which is a kind of operating system that includes EmulationStation – which is itself a powerful group of emulators.

Next, you’re going to have to tweak a few settings, including Wi-Fi and controller settings.

Then, you’ll need to add ROMs. Emulators run video game systems as virtual machines within a computer, and ROMs are the game files themselves – the cartridges or discs to the emulators’ systems, if you will.

We’ll cover it all below.

What you’ll need

As is typical with these projects, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi, a power source, a monitor/TV and a way to connect to it, and peripherals (like a keyboard and mouse) for set-up. You’ll also need a few other things:

  • A microSD card (at least 8 GB)
  • A USB game controller
  • A Windows or Mac computer with a place to plug in your SD card

How to install RetroPie

Installing RetroPie has always been pretty easy, but it’s easier than ever now. If you did this project a few years ago (like I did), you’ll find it’s only gotten simpler.

Step 1: Download RetroPie and unzip the disc image

You can find the latest version of RetroPie here. Download it to your computer. It will be compressed in .gz format – unzip it with WinZip or a similar program so that it ends with just .img.

Step 2: Extract the RetroPie disc image to your microSD card

What you just downloaded and unzipped was the RetroPie disc image. Next, you’re going to extract it to your microSD card. With Windows, this is super simple:

  • Download Win32 Disc Imager
  • Open Win32 Disc Imager
  • Select the .img file and the correct disc (make sure it’s your microSD card!)

With Mac, it goes like this:

  • Download RPI-sd card builder
  • Open RPI-sd card builder
  • When prompted, choose the disc image
  • When prompted, select your SD card (make sure you’re writing to the right place!)
  • Hit “OK” and enter your password. The program should do the rest.

Step 3: Put the microSD card in your Raspberry Pi and boot it up

That was easy, right? Have your USB controller plugged in, because you’ll be setting it up next.

How to set up RetroPie after installation

Now that your Raspberry Pi is running RetroPie, you’re going to want to set up your internet connection (we’ll need it to get your games moved over and to install any future RetroPie updates) and your gaming controller.

Step 1: Set up your controller

If RetroPie detects a USB controller, it’s going to want you to set it up before you do anything else. To set a button value, just touch the button. The menu will move on to the next value as soon as you enter something for the first. If you’re using a simple controller, you may end up double-assigning certain buttons (L1 and L2 both to your only L button, for instance). If you’re looking to emulate more recent systems, you may want to opt for a controller with all the buttons you need – like a PlayStation 4 controller, for instance, which is what I used.

Step 2: Set up Wi-Fi

Head to the settings menu and scroll down to the Wi-Fi option. You’ll be able to choose your wireless network and enter your password. Connecting to Wi-Fi has gotten way easier since the early days of the Raspberry Pi and RetroPie.

How to add emulators and play retro games on the Raspberry Pi with RetroPie

Your Raspberry Pi is now completely set up, but you won’t see any emulators. That’s because RetroPie automatically hides emulators that you don’t have any ROMs for. You have a way to play retro games on the Raspberry Pi, but you don’t actually have any retro games on your Raspberry Pi. So let’s add some games by adding some ROMs!

ROMs are a little bit of a legal gray area, but you’re generally supposed to only download ROMs for games that you already own in a physical media form. With that said, we’ll let you get the ROMs onto your computer yourself. Once they’re there, here’s how you’ll get them over to the Raspberry Pi.

Option 1: Use an external hard drive or USB drive

This is a super-simple way to get your ROMs to your RetroPie. Just put them all in a folder called retropie and put that folder on a USB storage device. Plug it into your Raspberry Pi, and you’re good to go.

Option 2: Transfer files over your network

Using your network to get ROMs to your RetroPie used to be a (mild) pain, but the newer versions of the system have made it insanely easy. Go to your file manager on your computer and look for shared folders. If your RetroPie is connected to your network, you should see a folder called RETROPIE (if it doesn’t show up, type the address into the address bar directly: RETROPIE for Windows or smb://RETROPIE for Mac).

You will have to log in to access the folder. The default credentials are username: raspberry and password: pi.

Once you’ve spotted it, just drag your ROMS on into the folder. Done!

The PlayStation is a 5th generation video game console released by Sony in 1994.

EmulatorRom FolderExtensionBIOSController Config
lr-pcsx_rearmedpsx.cue .cbn .chd .img .iso .m3u .mdf .pbp .toc .z .znxpsxonpsp660.bin scph101.bin scph7001.bin scph5501.bin scph1001.bin/opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg
PCSX-ReARMedpsx.cue .cbn .img .iso .m3u .mdf .pbp .toc .z .znxSCPH1001.BIN/opt/retropie/configs/psx/pcsx.cfg
lr-beetle-psxpsx.cue .ccd .chd .exe .iso .m3u .pbp .tocscph5500.bin scph5501.bin scph5502.bin/opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg

Emulators: lr-pcsx_rearmed, PCSX-ReARMed, lr-beetle-psx.


Recommended for Raspberry Pi 2-4. The features of RetroArch combined with PCSX-ReARMed's excellent Dynamic Recompiler allow for an adequate PlayStation emulation experience, though expect some inaccurate emulation.


Recommended for Raspberry Pi 0/1 due to its lower system requirements, though expect some inaccurate emulation. Additionally, setting the resolution via Runcommand to a low 4:3 resolution is recommended for faster emulation and correct aspect ratio, though 480i (CEA-6) is the lowest recommended 4:3 CEA resolution due to CEA-2 causing visual issues and CEA-1 causing the system to lock up entirely.


Recommended for more powerful x86 systems. It is accurate and includes several enhanced graphical features. Not available for ARM systems (like the Raspberry Pi) due to its poor performance on ARM.


Accepted File Extensions: .cue .ccd .chd .exe .iso .m3u .pbp .toc

Place your PlayStation ROMs in

.bin Only ROMs

If you only have a .bin ROM and no .cue file, generate it via:

  • Online or Offline

ECM Compression

If your PSX game has an .ecm extension, it's a compressed file that needs to be extracted.

Directly on RetroPie, input to terminal:

Alternatively, on Windows, use ECM Decompressor, or on Ubuntu 19.X+(or derivative), install ecm from the ubuntu archive with the following:

CHD files

All supported PlayStation emulators have support for the CHD (V5) archive format. This is a lossless compression format which can be useful to tidy up multi-.bin ROMs into one file. See Creating CHDs from CD-ROMS.

Multi-Disc Games

.pbp format ROMs can package together multiple discs in one file. To change the disc through RetroArch, from the 'Quick Menu', enter 'Disk Control', use the 'Disk Cycle Tray Status' to open the virtual disk tray, change the disk number to the correct one, then use the 'Disk Cycle Tray Status' to close the virtual disk tray.

M3U playlists for .cue & .bins, or .chds

For multi-disc games on .cue & .bin ROM pairs or .chds, you can create a .m3u playlist file to enable you to change discs by the above method. Replace the .cue or .chd extension for each disc of the game with an appropriate .CD1, .CD2, etc so that EmulationStation will list only the .m3u and not the individual discs.

Example for Final Fantasy VII:

Folder Structure:

Final Fantasy VII (USA).m3u's Text Contents:


Place BIOS in

While both lr-pcsx_reamrmed and PCSX-ReARMed have an emulated BIOS to fall back on, it has limited compatibility so most games will have issues running with it (or not work at all), and all games that use memory card saves are prone to save corruption. It should be considered mandatory to manually install an official BIOS.


The following BIOS are supported:

Recognized NameRedump NameCRC32MD5

If more than one of the BIOS above is provided, then the latest revision of the BIOS available is automatically chosen.Note: psxonpsp660.bin is a BIOS dumped from the PSP's PlayStation emulator. It is said to improve performance for certain PlayStation games as is a streamlined version of the BIOS, lacking irrelevant features like the built-in CD Player and Memory Card manager.

The recognized name can be all uppercase OR all lowercase.


The following BIOS is supported:

Recognized NameRedump NameCRC32MD5

Place BIOS in

The recognized BIOS filename is case-sensitive (must be in all uppercase).


The following BIOS are supported:

Recognized NameRedump NameCRC32MD5

The BIOS is automatically chosen based upon the region of the ROM.

How To Download Ps1 Games On Retropie On Mac Download

The recognized BIOS filename is case-sensitive (must be in all lowercase).


lr-pcsx_rearmed & lr-beetle-psx Controls

lr-pcsx_rearmed and lr-beetle-psx utilize Retroarch configurations.

Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in

How To Download Ps1 Games On Retropie On Mac Os

For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration

PCSX-ReARMed Controls

PCSX-ReARMed controls and configurations are located in

You will need a keyboard to press Escape on to access the emulator's menu so that you can then configure your controller: a controller with a Home/Guide button that can be a dedicated Open Menu button is required to use this emulator with just a controller.

The Controller Problem: Digital-Only & Analog

A common issue people using RetroPie have with PSX emulation is their analog sticks do not work. The reason for this is related to a default lr-pcsx_rearmed core setting, and there is a very good reason the setting is the way it is that we will get into later.

Change the Core Options for Pad 1 Type and Pad 2 Type from standard to dualshock. See Setting Core Options.

After the previous two settings have been changed, back out to the Quick Menu so that you can enter the Controls section. In Controls, you need to change all controllers from 'RetroPad' to 'RetroPad w/ Analog', then use the 'Save Core Remap File' function to save this setting as a default for all games.

How To Download Ps1 Games On Retropie On Mac

After a complete exit back to EmulationStation, all games that should work with the analog sticks will function correctly, however, we have just created a problem: roughly 1/3 of the PSX library will no longer accept any input whatsoever.

The reason for the problem is due to the PSX originally being released with a controller that didn't have analog sticks so the games released for the system before the analog sticks were added to the controller only accounted for the standard controller: these games are generally referred to as Digital-Only games.

Unfortunately, this is a problem that doesn't have an easy solution. The reason the emulator was set the way is was is because that was 100% compatible even if it removed all analog functionality. If you want all your games with analog support to work correctly, you will have to manually fix the Digital-Only games one by one.

The process of fixing a Digital-Only game is to set per-ROM Core Options, changing Pad 1 Type and Pad 2 Type back to standard. See Setting Core Options per-ROM.

With those three things done, now we need to go back to the Quick Menu and go into the Controls section. In Controls, change all RetroPad w/ Analog back to RetroPad, change all Analog To Digital settings for each controller from None to Left Analog, then use the Save Game Remap File.

After a complete exit back to EmulationStation, the game you've manually fixed will function correctly plus you will be able to use the left analog stick for upto 8-way movement if you want to. Keep in mind the 'Analog To Digital' step is completely optional and included for those that may want to still use an analog stick for movement in games that didn't support it originally.

For a decent list of which games are Digital-Only, check the spreadsheet and website found in the 'Game Specific Control Information' section below.

The negcon setting found between pad type is for the NeGcon.

While this section does focus on lr-pcsx_rearmed, what is done in this section could be done in PCSX-ReARMed's menu as well if not visually different.

Game Specific Control Information

The main purpose of this section is for users to be able to identify Digital-Only games in their library and fix them as detailed above in the 'The Controller Problem: Digital-Only & Analog'

If you have a limited input method such as an SNES-style controller or handheld, then the spreadsheet below will also help you figure out which games you will be able to play.

How To Download Ps1 Games On Retropie On Mac Windows 10

If you want to improve the spreadsheet, then request editing permission and you will be approved in a timely manner.

For a more complete resource, please check the PlayStation DataCenter.

Multitap (3-5 Players)

lr-pcsx_rearmed has support for multitap, but not all games read input when a multitap is connected, so a per-ROM Core Options file should be created for multitap compatible games. Set the Core Options for Pad 3 Type, Pad 4 Type (and so on, depending on how many players are supported by the game) to the relevant Controller Type that the game supports. See Setting Core Options per-ROM.




Performance - PSX CPU Clock

The clock speed percentage of the emulated PSX hardware's CPU can be adjusted by the user. While the default setting of 57 is decent, it does cause some games to exceed their intended framerate and the setting of 55 is recommended to reduce this from happening in more games. Some games, such as 'Final Fantasy 7' and 'Final Fantasy Tactics', may need even lower CPU speeds. See Setting Core Options per-ROM.

Performance - Disable Vibration

Vibration is known to cause slowdown in some games. Disabling vibration in-game (if possible) is recommended if you notice this happen, or don't have a controller with vibration ability. See Setting Core Options.

Change Core Option Enable Vibration to disabled

Instances in-game where vibration occurs may still cause the slowdown even if vibration is disabled.

Video - Double Internal Resolution

lr-pcsx_rearmed has a Core Option Enhance Resolution (Slow) that improves graphical fidelity by doubling the normal resolution, producing a sharper 3D image, however all 2D bitmaps and texture maps retain their original resolution. It can present some (sometimes game-breaking) visual glitches. It should be used in tandem with the Enhanced Resolution (Speed Hack) for best performance, but this can increase the glitches. See Setting Core Options.

On a Pi 2 it can introduce performance issues, even with the speed hak, but on a Pi 3 and up it should be perform better, sometimes even without the speed hack. To disable these options for games which exhibit issues, or to only enable it for games that perform well, see Setting Core Options per-ROM.

Video - Disable Dithering

The PSX had a dithering trick that blended colors together in an attempt to make games look more colorful. On modern TVs this effect can be less desirable. To disable, set the Core Option Enable Dithering to disabled. See Setting Core Options.

Audio - Switch Interpolation to Gaussian

Some games like 'Spyro: Year of the Dragon' have audio corruption issues using the default Core Option Sound: Interpolation value of simple. The alternative gaussian setting fixes audio issue with minimal cost to performance. See Setting Core Options.

Memory Card and Save State


Memory Card saves have the .srm extension and are located in

A new memory card .srm file with the same name as the ROM is created for each game as needed.


Memory Card saves are located in

Their naming convention is where 'X' is a number between 0 and 9. Numbers 0 and 1 represent the first 2 Memory Card slots respectively.

Save States are located in

Importing Save Files

On sites like GameFAQs you can find many save files for PlayStation games. Different emulators often use different save file formats, so you must convert such files to a suitable format.

One such tool is Memory Card Manager 1.4 by Aldo Vargas. Download this and MSVBVM50.DLL, and run MemManager.exe:

Press the New button at the bottom and create a file the same name as your PSX ROM. For example, if you are using Diablo.pbp or Diablo.cue then call the new memory card file Diablo.mcr. Ensure you select the Other - AdriPSX, FPSE, pcsx format in the dropdown menu, then press Save.

Press the >< at the bottom of the window which opens a second pane on the right. In the new pane, press the ... at the top and open the save file you have downloaded. Hopefully you'll see valid memory card blocks, similar to what you'd see on an actual PSX. (some saves may not show expected/valid contents, in which case you're probably out of luck trying to use that save file, download a different one)

Click on the block in the right hand column you wish to import, and press the < arrow to copy it into your new memory card on the left-hand column. The screenshot above demonstrates the way to select the correct block and the correct button to press.

In your memory card on the left, click Save As and save over the blank card you just created.

Quit MemManager and rename your new memory card from .mcr to .srm. Following our example above, we'd now have a file called Diablo.srm. Copy this memory card file to your RetroPie /psx/ ROMs directory.

The save file should now be available in your game.