The general rule of thumb is that if you intend to play fast 3D action games such as Fortnite or Subnautica then any Mac fitted with Intel HD Graphics, or a standard Intel Iris, will probably be a.
Your computer is designed to be used. Still, the more you use it the sooner it will fail. THe drive wears out. The batteries have limited recharge capacity. On the other hand if you put it on a shelf and never turn it on it will also eventually fail as parts like batteries simply degrade with time.
How To Play Graphic Games On Macbook Pro For Free
Now how you decide to use it is up to you. Yes, if the CPUs are cranked up a lot it will generate heat. It will probably be reading the drive a lot. It might slow down other use if you are trying to play the game and watch a HD video at the same time.
Best Games On Macbook Pro
Dec 13, 2012 8:07 AM