Mace Windu Games Online

  • 2Challenges

Mace Windu was a human male Jedi who fought during the Clone Wars. He was born on Haruun Kal and soon became a lead member of the Jedi Council. He was famous for his lightsaber skills and was fairly intimidating to his enemies. He was also a master at hand to hand combat. Mace Windu fought with a blue lightsaber until he became a member of the Jedi Council, then constructing a purple.

Time Table[edit | edit source]

Admiral AckbarOpenOpenOpen
Mace WinduOpenOpenOpen
Grand Moff TarkinOpenOpenOpen
Ship Building Materials2x2x2x
Ship Enhancement Droids2x2x2x
Ship Ability Materials2x2x2x

Challenges[edit | edit source]

For the Capital Ship Challenges, the following table applies to the tiers of each.

TierReward Blueprints

Admiral Ackbar[edit | edit source]


'Use Fleet CommanderAdmiral Ackbar to earn materials to upgrade his Capital Ship, Home One.'

Mace Windu[edit | edit source]

'Use Fleet Commander Mace Windu to earn materials to upgrade his Capital Ship, Endurance.'

Grand Moff Tarkin[edit | edit source]

'Use Fleet Commander Grand Moff Tarkin to earn materials to upgrade his Capital Ship, Executrix.'

Ship Building Materials[edit | edit source]

Mace Windu Wiki

'Earn Ship Building Materials! Use Admiral Ackbar as your Fleet Commander to defeat Grand Moff Tarkin.'

Mace Windu Games Online Multiplayer

This Challenge can be completed 2x daily.

Ship Enhancement Droids[edit | edit source]

'Earn Ship Enhancement Droids! Use Mace Windu as your Fleet Commander to defeat Admiral Ackbar.'

This Challenge can be completed 2x daily.

Mace Windu Actor

Ship Ability Materials[edit | edit source]

'Earn Ability Materials! Use Grand Moff Tarkin as your Fleet Commander to defeat Mace Windu.'

Mace Windu Games online, free

This Challenge can be completed 2x daily.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Mace Windu Games online, free Play

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