The latest Mac Adventure game reviews, an overview of best Adventure Games on the Mac and new releases.
All the old people in the house say yeah!
The Apple II is the most underrated gaming platform of the 1980’s. People — me included — talk a lot about the greatness of the Atari 2600, but I owe just as much of my gaming DNA to our Apple IIe, with its 64KB RAM — that comes standard, folks — and its revolutionary four-way cursor control.
We had a IIe that sat in the corner of our kitchen, right next to a nice heating vent that you could warm your feet on, and tricked out with a dee-luxe green-on-black monitor. I fed it 5 1/4-inch floppies. It fed me joy. Except when PFS Write ate my social studies paper.
Below are my top 10 Apple II games. This is not a particularly comprehensive survey, as it’s based on the subset of all Apple II games that I could get my hands on when I was in junior high, which was large but not definitive. (Also n.b., I skipped some games, like Zork, which were on every platform and hence not particularly representative of the Apple II gaming experience in particular.)
1. Lode Runner. You could dig left, and you could dig right, and you could run, and you could climb. This was a game mechanic refined into a state of narcotic purity. Well do I remember the agony of the Runner who started digging his hole too late, and wound up getting rushed by the bad guys, who stepped contemptuously over his half-dug hole.
I also remember the triumph of the one kid in our class who figured out that you could jump on the head of a falling bad guy, in mid-air, to cross otherwise uncrossable gaps. Reader, I was that kid.
2. Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. The graphics were one step up from ASCII. The action was one step up from epic. I got deeply, deeply lost in the Ultima IV world, in a way I rarely have in any world in any medium since. I should probably have put it first on this list, except that all that ethical stuff about the avatar kinda grated on me. But the game’s ambitions were huge, and its achievement towering. All hail Lord British. (Incredibly, my brother would go on to work on Ultima Underworld II. Had we but known.)
3. Bolo. I don’t meet a lot of people who know Bolo, which was a tank game for the Apple II. I can’t even find a decent link for it. This was a game written by somebody who really knew the machine they were writing for: seriously fast action, smooth scrolling, elegant graphics and surprisingly nice AI enemies. The real mind-boggling fact about this game, to me, was that it randomly generated a new maze for every game, which at the time seemed like black magic. I reached a pinnacle of skill at Bolo that I’ve never achieved in any other field of endeavor. Even blogging.
4. Robotron. This was probably the best arcade port there was for the Apple II. Even though you didn’t have the double-joystick action of the arcade version, Robotron had a distinctive, unique savor on the Apple II it didn’t have on other platforms. There was something authentically alien about the weird way those bastards swarmed you. My sister was great at this one — I remember watching her enter a mystical trance state of ultimate Robotronic consciousness as she powered through levels I never even knew existed.
Sci Fi Adventure Movies
5. Choplifter. Somehow they really got a fluid, lifelike feel to the way the helicopter banked and turned in this game. You could almost feel the air under your rotor blades. The object, of course, was to fly your helicopter low and at an angle, so your rotor blades cut off the heads of the little guys you were supposed to be rescuing, while you sang “Ride of the Valkyries.”
25 out-there iOS games
Updated February 28, 2020: New entries added
Sci-fi is one of the biggest, most distinctive genres in cinema and literature. It's arguably an even bigger deal in gaming.Whether you're taking direct control of a space marine blasting alien invaders, flying a starfighter, commanding a space station, or negotiating a dystopian state, some of the most compelling games take place in a sci-fi setting.
That's true of mobile games as well as console and PC. From ports to iOS originals, the future is a fertile place for games you can play on the go.
It's been tricky narrowing the field down to just 25, but the following games all create an evocative science fiction world that goes beyond flashy lights and big explosions. Mostly, anyway. There's still plenty of space for such frivolous things.
Which sci-fi iOS games would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below.
FTL: Faster Than Light
It doesn't get more sci-fi than putting you in control of the many varied systems on your very own starship. Actually, it does, as FTL also sets you off on a brilliantly brutal space adventure.
Ensure Steam games are compatible with your Mac Click the Store tab and Steam will display featured and recommended games. Scroll down and you'll see special offers, and other options for browsing. Not the answer you're looking for but you could use VMWare or Parallels to virtualize your Windows partition and run Steam from there. Or you could create a wrapper for the Windows version of Steam using Wineskin/Winetricks and run that from OSX. Level 2 Original Poster2 points 8 years ago. Once it's done, you can now download and install Windows Steam games and play them all you want! I'd recommend using the Mac Steam client to buy games, and the Wineskin Steam client to download and play the Windows games. In case your game acts weird, reopen under the Steam app contents and try changing these settings. Can you download steam on mac and play windows game.
Knights of the Old Republic
This much-loved RPG lets you be a Jedi in an original Star Wars story, so its place on this list was assured. After all, when it comes to sci-fi, Star Wars is an 800-pound lightsaber-wielding gorilla.
A brilliantly dark slice of dystopian sci-fi, all wrapped up in a taut platform-puzzler. Inside creates one of the most eerily beautiful sci-fi worlds in gaming.
Out There
A bit like FTL with less micromanagement and more narrative impact, Out There is a brilliant, lonely choose-your-own space adventure of epic proportions.
Star Traders: Frontiers
A staggeringly accomplished RPG, ported successfully from PC. This is an ambitious open-world sci-fi adventure that lets you mould your own adventure as the captain of your own ship. Fight, trade, steal, explore - it's entirely up to you.
The mere prospect of a follow-up to Bastion, one of the most distinctive action-RPGs of the past decade, was tantalising enough. That Transistor turned out to be a completely original and thoroughly compelling slice of sci-fi is just an extra dollop of gravy on top.
The Talos Principle
Best Apple Mac Sci-fi Adventure Game Download
An inventive first person puzzler that casts you as an android in a serene yet uncanny environment. The game's plot touches on classic sci-fi subjects like philosophy, VR, and AI.
Gemini Rue
Gemini Rue is a classic point-and-click adventure with an alluring future-noir plot. It works very well on mobile, too.
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Subsurface Circular
This brief but brilliantly told narrative adventure from the maker of Thomas Was Alone sees you playing the role of robot detective in a murky futuristic civilisation. It's thought-provoking and entertaining in equal measure.
Beholder 2
Beholder 2 tells a rich, dystopian sci-fi story about state surveillance, as you bring a repressive regime's advanced gadgetry to bear on its citizens. It's essentially 1984: The Game, but with an expressive art style and a dark sense of humour.
A turn-based disaster-management sim set on mankind's first mission to Mars. Can you guide your damaged ship to safety? And will you need to eat any of your crew members along the way?
Xenowerk Tactics
Pixelbite takes the militaristic sci-fi world of Xenowerk and applies it to a deep turn-based strategy experience. The result is tense and tactical, like you're plotting the advance of the marines in Aliens.
SpacePlan is a clicker with a difference - it also spins a cracking sci-fi yarn, with a healthy dose of silliness.
Ticket to Earth
Play xbox one on mac. Ticket to Earth is an exceptional puzzle RPG with an entertaining sci-fi plot concerning mutant insects and rampaging robots - all rendered in an entertaining comic book style.
Void Tyrant
Void Tyrant is a single player card battler that leans on the basic premise of Blackjack/21 for its key hook. But it's also an entertaining choose-your-own-adventure-like sci-fi romp.
Invisible, Inc.
A remarkable stealth strategy game that has you sneaking through some incredibly tense missions in a stylish cyberpunk universe.
Playing Spaceteam makes you feel like you're flying the Starship Enterprise with your buddies - if the Starship Enterprise was 2 million light years past its last service and being crewed by imbeciles.
Neon Chrome
This entertainingly hardcore roguelike shooter has you running and gunning in a dystopian future dominated by corporations and neon signs. Which is typically a good thing to do, in our experience.
XCOM: Enemy Within
XCOM: Enemy Within is a brilliant turn-based tactical game with an entertaining sci-fi B movie plot. Aliens are invading Earth, so you'd better outflank them.
Ingress Prime
A reboot of the game that put the team behind Pokemon GO on the map (pun unintended), Ingress Prime is a slick real world AR adventure with a thrilling sci-fi premise.
Space Age
An old school point-and-click adventure with a witty sci-fi story, like The Secret of Monkey Island in space.
Full of Stars
Full of Stars combines classic multiple-choice narrative fiction with enjoyable tappy-tappy arcade gameplay as you guide your spaceship across the galaxy.
Space Pioneer
A top down shooter set in a truly compelling sci-fi world, Space Pioneer has you trawling alien environments with your smart-ass robot sidekick, blasting anything that moves.
Star Trek: Fleet Command
A well designed and deeply immersive 4X mobile strategy game, but its true value is its Star Trek IP and Kelvin Timeline setting. And if you don't know what that means, this probably isn't for you.
Halcyon 6
Take control of your very own space station in this engrossing strategy RPG. Carefully divide your time between management, space combat, building and expanding your fleet, and scavenging for resources.